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Recent Crimes In Brighton and Hove By Category

Check recent crime in Brighton and Hove listed by category. Select a major crime category or view all crime types. Filter further to only see crimes that have been resolved.

We have a produced detailed crime map for Brighton and Hove where you can conduct a crime check. Jump directly to see a local crime map for Brighton and Hove and check your area for any crime category - or all types of crime. Just select a type of crime from the crimes list.

The Brighton and Hove crime map will show local crime for Brighton and Hove but you can search for any other area within the map, filter for specific further crime types or opt to only see crimes that have been resolved.

The crime data supplied for Brighton and Hove comes directly from the Police and is updated regularly. The map is updated in real-time as you move it around. You can click any crime incident to see detailed information including any investigation that took place and the outcome.

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