Browse UK - WR - Queenhill

District WR8 covers (in order of area type): Queenhill (Hamlet)

what we know? crime scores, house price scores, job scores and more recent property sold prices top 10 types of resident top 10 recorded crimes top 10 most expensive areas top 10 cheapest areas top 10 safe areas top 10 unsafe areas top schools and colleges explore further

crime score for Queenhill 80 out of 100 (higher is better)

house price score for Queenhill 75 out of 100 (higher is more expensive)

jobs within 10 miles score for Queenhill 39 out of 100 (higher is better)

motorway junctions for Queenhill 8 located within a 10 mile radius of center

train stations for Queenhill 10 located within a 10 mile radius of center

public green area score for Queenhill 16 out of 100 (higher is better - areas within three miles)

primary schools score for Queenhill 58 out of 100 (higher is better - schools within one mile)

secondary schools score for Queenhill 76 out of 100 (higher is better - schools within one mile)

college a-level score for Queenhill 51 out of 100 (higher is better - colleges within one mile)

vocational college score for Queenhill 47 out of 100 (higher is better - colleges within one mile)

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Top 10 Recorded Crime Types

  1. Anti-social behaviour28.93%
  2. Violence and sexual offences26.43%
  3. Other theft11.82%
  4. Burglary9.18%
  5. Criminal damage and arson7.09%
  6. Vehicle crime5.98%
  7. Drugs4.59%
  8. Public order4.17%
  9. Other crime0.83%
  10. Shoplifting0.7%

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